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Why I Travel: a Note About Serendipity

Why I Travel: a Note About Serendipity

A father and son from Minnesota had visited San Francisco in late 2019 and were looking for dinner suggestions. We talked about key attractions in the city, sprinkling in talk of our families, our travels and lives. The father beamed and boasted proudly about his other son who was not with him on the trip. As many travelers of kindred spirit do, they gave me their information to keep in touch. Unfortunately, I lost their contact card but always wanted to reach out and drop a kind note. Hisam, I hope you already know this, but if not…your father is so very proud of you. He told me how absolutely wonderful you are.

Emy and Ced are a couple I met from France on their visit through San Francisco. They’d traveled everywhere together and had a unique chemistry with each other and zest for life. I wrote down Emy’s website on a map of San Francisco. I recently found this map in a box of travel information and I cried. Emy and Ced, wherever you both are, know that you are two beautiful souls and I send you the best thoughts. Until we cross paths again…

A father and daughter from the Netherlands had recently biked through Vietnam, and now in the States, they were looking to bike up the entire West Coast from San Francisco. This was weeks before the pandemic. I remember the father humbly recounting all the miles he logged after I prodded him in awe. Sir, you are my hero, and I’m happy your daughter joins you on your journeys. I walk a lot more these days because of you, making sure to track all my miles. With all of your accomplishments, you didn’t make me feel unaccomplished. Thank you. I think of you and your daughter often and hope you made it safely to your destination.

To the Brazilian tourist whose laughter on a rainy day was contagious: I hope your life is so sweet that it’s filled with endless joy. In all my life, I had never heard anyone laugh with every fiber of one’s being the way you did. You made me laugh every time you tried to explain why you were laughing! I hope life gives you no reasons to cry. May we cross paths again on a day when I really need some sunshine.

This is the greatest joy of traveling: the serendipity, the adventure of it all.

Welcome to My Blog!

Welcome to My Blog!

A Glimpse of Where I Travel

A Glimpse of Where I Travel